Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Feeling low....

Been a long time since I wrote. Suddenly felt the urge for it this morning. Not for good reasons though. Something's bugging me. I'm feeling kinda low...

How Frail The Human Body?
I know not what it is. Maybe it's coz I've just recovered from illness. I hardly ever get sick but once in the bluest of moons when I do get struck down, I get REALLY, REALLY sick. The prescription drug is still running in my system. Wreaking havoc and affecting me in other indirect ways. No less is the discomfort of the lingering after-taste. Yuck!!

Did I Fail You, Father Lord?
I had to give last Sunday's worship a miss too. That could be the other factor that's broken me down. I don't like to miss my devotional time with God. I also don't care much for missing out on spending quality time with my church family. Much akin to breaking a link of a chain. Or missing a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Oh, before I forget. A word of thanks to brother Ken Beng in this instance. If not for him standing in on my behalf, I'd have defaulted on my very first official church duty for BLC.

Was It Not Worth The Price?
Ok. Third (and last) reason to feel down. I made a proposition. The proposition was declined. I’ll add no more to this subject except to say that I understand what God wills for me in Eccl 6:9. Amen.

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