Monday, July 28, 2008

The Muse (Part 1 of ?? parts)

Tuesday, 1st July 2008:
T'was to be like any day, but not this day.
Tis' day, the muse go away.
Tho' short a time has been, flutter me heart, she did.
Joy ebbs, as surely as autumn leaves fall.

Chaotic noise. Be still, thy wanton heart.

Saturday, 5th July 2008:
T'was not to be like any day, but not this day.
Today tis' the day, mine heart I risk away.
T'was sole hope, I pray.

Alas, only false glory comes from false hopes.

Interlude: Hallowed silence. Wither, thy unworthy heart.

Wounded. Broken. Empty. The remains.

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