Tuesday, September 09, 2008

10 Ways To Win Over Future Parents-in-law

  1. Speak to them from the heart.
  2. Smile at everything they throw at you (even if they hate you to the bone).
  3. Shower all your love onto their daughter in front of them.
  4. Help future mother-in-law run errands (and take her side against future father-in-law, especially during arguments).
  5. Help future father-in-law change his flat tyre (but still take future mother-in-law's side during said arguments).
  6. Hold their daughter's 'twinky' in front of them just to rile them up.
  7. Learn how to speak in a funny 'dong' (ie. Indonesian) accent.
  8. Respect her parents (even if they treat you like a dog).
  9. Always P.U.S.H. (Pray until something happens).
  10. If 1 to 9 fails, then do either of the following:
  • Run away and elope with her. (If she's not agreeable, go to Plan B: kidnap her to a 3rd country. Then persuade her to elope.)
  • Wait with their daughter until you're both in your 60s before marrying. (It's okay. Time is definitely on your side.)

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